Table of Contents
The regulatory Policies Tab is used to add Documents under the Regularity policies page.
Go to WordPress Dashboard ->Find Regulatory Policies tabs on the left and side panel->click to Add new document under Regulatory Policies.
“Add Regulatory Policies” tab-> used to add a new Regulatory Policies document.
Click on Add Regulatory Policies button as highlighted in the image.
Then we can find an input panel to enter data to show on the page
How to upload File? #
Click on “Add file ” button as shown on above image.
Uploading A file having two options
- Upload the file Directly by using the Upload file button as shown in the image .
- Upload the file using Media Library which is already exited in the WordPress Media.
Once everything is done ->click on publish Button as displayed on the top right corner to save changes.
Where the update will be shown? #
Go to -> to Check Updated changes.